They say that Roman Catholicism is the first church. How can that be , when they, Romans, in fact were the ones who destroyed the 2nd temple of the Jewish people, and they have their own religion of many gods. History proves this. The Romans were the ones, who killed the apostles. The first church started on the day of the Pentecost, 50 days after Jesus had risen from death, which is in the Book of Acts. The gospel had reached throughout Asia minor, before the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans, who was powerful at that time. Therefore, remember the Romans were not yet Christian at that time.They have their own gods and goddesses such as, Jupiter, Apollo, Mercury, to name some.
The Romans burned the Jewish Temple, which was the center of the faith of the Jewish people. They say ๐Ÿ‘‡
“Roman Catholicism traces its history to Jesus during the period of Roman occupation in the early 30s of the Common Era. Over a period of years after Jesus’ life and death his followers spread out across the world to form “universal” (Greek, katholikos) church with the bishop of Rome holding primacy”.

That๐Ÿ‘† is not true! With the turned out of events, how can you say that Roman Catholic was first established, when they have their own gods.
When Constantinople won the Battle of Milvian Bridge, because he saw a cross in his dream before he went to the battle, and regarded it as his victory.With this victory , he declared Christianity as the state religion. The Romans saw the power of religion and used this to conquer people by establishing Christianity which later becomes the Roman Catholic which is a combination of belief in Jesus and their traditional Saturnalia; is an ancient Roman pagan festival honoring the agricultural god Saturn. They don’t want to get rid of this celebration, for its the longest joyful celebration they practice. This is celebrated during the month of December, so the Romans declared December 25 as the birthday of Jesus, in order to incorporate their Saturnalia to the Christianity religion.